How do I use self-checkout on my Phone?

Learn how to use the Missouri State Self Checkout app on your mobile device and skip the checkout line!


Checking out books from Meyer Library is now easier than ever, using your own iOS or Android mobile device. To get started:

  1. Download the free “Missouri State Self Checkout” app from your device’s app store (Apple App Store, Google Play),
    QR code to download Missouri State Self Checkout app from your app store
  2. Visit the library,
  3. Launch the app,
    Missouri State Self Checkout app icon
  4. Tap "Start",
  5. Sign in with you BearPass login (one time!),
  6. Find a book,
  7. Tap the "+" sign,
  8. Start scanning items using your device’s camera,
  9. Tap “Finish”, and
  10. Go!

You’ll receive an email receipt at your official email address (you can specify an alternative email in the app’s preferences).

If you don’t have a supported mobile device or BearPass Login, we also have a self-checkout kiosk on the first floor, across from the Library Information Desk. You’ll just need your active BearPass Card or Community Borrower/Alumni Borrower barcode to use it.

If you have any questions about using the app, visit the the Library Service Desk or give us a call at 836-4700.


  • Last Updated Jul 17, 2019
  • Views 490
  • Answered By Mohammad AlHamad

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