How can I renew or view books I have checked out?


You can renew a Missouri State University item in one of two ways.


  1. Go to .
  2. Select the "Account" link along the left side or in the menu drop-down options.
  3. On the next page, select "MyLibrary."
  4. You may be asked to authenticate at this point. If so, choose "BearPass" as the method and type in your BearPass ID and password.
  5. After authentication, the next page will have an empty search box.
    1. If you have a larger screen, select the "Folder" link in the upper right.

    2. If you have a smaller screen, select the "Folder" link from the upper left menu icon.EBSCO Discover Service mobile view with arrow pointing to main navigation menu activation button in upper-left corner then EBSCO Discover Services mobile view main navigation menu with arrow pointing to "Folder" menu item
  6. Once you have selected "Folder," select the "Loans" link.
    Loan option in My Folder
  7. Now you should see how many books you have checked out and when they are due. There is a link under each title that will allow you to renew the book.

In Person

  • Bring the item to the Information Desk on the first floor of the Duane G. Meyer Library. With your BearPass ID, we can renew the items for you.
  • Last Updated May 13, 2024
  • Views 370
  • Answered By Joshua Lambert

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